Terms of service

Marketing Agreement, also known as a Joint Marketing Agreementsets forth the terms and conditions under which a Marketer will assist a Client in selling their goods and/or services by creating materials that promote their products and engaging in activities to introduce the Client's products to new customers. These marketing materials can include pamphlets, brochures, websites, advertisements, and booths to be displayed at trade shows. Using this Agreement, the Client and Marketer can both protect their interests and intellectual property, as well as ensuring that the Marketer's products reflect the Client's vision and desires.


Contracts can be intimidating but that’s OK, they are only in place so that it is clear to both parties what is expected and the terms of the agreement, to assure that, should the worst happen, we are both protected. In a nutshell my contract helps lay out the guidelines which make clear what your responsibilities are and what mine are. It confirms things like timelines for work being done, that all the work will be original and created by me, and of course payment. But don’t worry, I will go through all this with you!